while on this trip i've been able to see tons of sheep. i think sheep are silly creatures. they can be cute and fluffy, but they can also be dorky and a bit scruffy too. they seem to go wherever they think there's better grass (on top of mountains, over rock walls, into neighboring fields...which could mean crossing the narrow winding hilly road that yer traveling on at about 80km. one suicidal sheep in particular came maniacally charging towards our vehicle as we were heading to Tralee. that was a close shave! INSANE SHEEP!
dogs & cats:
i've also seen lots of dogs and cats on this trip too. just about every place we've stayed has had it's resident animals. The Old Barn at Dungarvan had 2 big black Irish Setters that loved to roll around on their backs so you could scratch their bellies and they would also wait by the door in the morning, in hopes that we'd let them in. there was also a gang of white ducks that would come quacking into the garden to noisilly announce their arrival. there was the calico cat at Ross Castle that sat near it's owners shop door waiting to be fed (for the 3rd time). then there was the adorable orange tabby cat that was taking a snooze by the rock wall at Gallarus Oratory. at the B&B in Dingle there was a cute little brown & white King Charles Spaniel (my mom loves those!) . Our current place (Fairymount Farm) has 4 black and white sheep dogs that love to play fetch (even with rocks!SILLY DOGS) and today at Kilkenny Castle there were 2 identical basset hounds that came barking up to me.
other animals:
cows and horses are also in abundance here on the emerald isle. i've even seen horses that were marked like black and white dairy cows! i had to look twice to be sure of what i was seeing. i've seen some magnificent looking horses here (my horse loving friends would enjoy the farm i'm staying at right now...they have working horses there).
that's just a taste...sorry no photo on this blog...i don't have internet access where i'm staying this week, so i'm at an internet cafe in Kilkenny (and unable to upload photos). i will try to add when i'm able. until next time...Slainte!